Call Me Crazy...

"They say that crazy is defined as someone who repeatedly performs the same actions, expecting a different outcome. So I guess I must be crazy.

I keep on trusting, hoping, reaching out, expecting to find love. I deserve it, don’t I?"

Okay, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. I've signed up for NaNoWriMo month (National Novel Writing Month). And I've pledged to complete 175 pages which equals 50,000 words (1666.66 words per *gasp* day) by November 30.

The only problem with that is, I'm not a novel writer. I'm a straight up non-fiction person. So...I have really done it this time. Set myself up to fail...or have I?

Might I not be expanding my horizons, as I did with writing my song? Discovering the hidden talent within?

Anyway...I could use your help. Above is one of the possible openings of the story. I'll be creating a new blog just for the book, and I will send the link via newsletter to y'all (my subscribers). I'm counting on y'all to keep me focussed and tell me gently (y'all know I'm sensitive) what stinks or what needs fleshing out.

I would say wish me luck, but since I'm a Christian, I'll say...pray for me.



Miladysa said…
She Who Dares Wins Dee! I shall say a little prayer too :)
I write at the average rate of 10 pages a day. So, you can do the same and write about 200 pages in 20 days.

You write one page per hour.
I mean one very good page of quality literature.

I wish you all the best.
Anonymous said…
I came here from Dana's blog. I wish you the best, and I hope you'll accomplish your goals!
eph2810 said…
I'll pray for you :)...I am sure that you can do it...
In His grip,

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