Step Aside. . .Let Faith In!

by Kenneth Aveirls, Sr.

“Caleb stills the people and said," Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it. But the men that went up with him said, WE ARE NOT ABLE TO GO UP against the people; for they are stronger than we.” ~Numbers 13:30-31

Faith or Reason? I wonder. . . whose report are you believing?

Science and faith went for a stroll one bright and sunny day. Science pointed towards the sky and said, “Hey Faith! Do you see those clouds? They are called “Cumulus clouds”. These are the puffy clouds that look like puffs of cotton, and if they do not get very tall, it is a sign that we will have fair weather today!” Faith replied, “You should become a contestant on Jeopardy! You are so smart!”

As the two moved further along the trail, Science pointed to a very beautiful flower. He said, “Look at that flower, Faith! It is called Cherokee Rose, and its name was derived from the Cherokee Indians who widely distributed the plant. This flower can bloom twice a year, under favorable conditions. It is also the State flower for Georgia.” Faith stood there in awe, and responded to Science. . . “Man you’re smart!”

Further along, the trail the two of them stopped at a river bank. You could see where the trail picked up again, on the other side of the river. Science told Faith, “We have to turn around. We can’t go any further. The trail ends here.” Faith looked at Science, and said “Step aside. . .this is where I come in!”

Just because you don’t see how, doesn’t mean it can’t be done!

“Faith ain’t faith, until you’ve run out of all other options!”

Copyright (c) 2005 by Kenneth Aveirls, Sr.


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