What Time Is It In Your Life?

Sunday, September 18, 2016 at 10:30 AM
Calvary Temple of Allentown
3436 Winchester Road,
Allentown, PA 18104

Immediately followed by a picnic for all!

Come #BackToChurch Sunday, a day celebrated nationwide by thousands of churches is almost here. In this climate of blatant political agendas and a sense of pervasive hopelessness, now is the time for hope.

Feet can be used to walk towards or away from something or someone and after thinking about I, that's what I believe the feet in the meme symbolizes. Someone who is standing still, maybe taking stock or about to make a choice. Which begs the question, "What time is it in your life?"  Are you where you want to be, physically, financially, emotionally or spiritually?

9 times out of 10, the answer to that question is no because, we all have stops and starts in our lives and realize that every goal is not necessarily the right one for us. We then need to begin again. Need a fresh start? Now's the time.

Come #BackToChurch this Sunday or invite someone to come with you. There are a plethora of venues, Calvary Temple is just one of them...just choose one and come!

God’s love is stronger and more powerful than any other force in or beyond the universe. Don’t wait any longer…Now’s the Time to come #BacktoChurch and invite someone to come with you!


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