Rentals in Review
When BlogExplosion instituted its Rent My Blog advertising program I wasn't quite sure how it was going to work out. I mean, would anyone want to rent my blogs or would anyone rent me a space on their blog?
New to the idea of blogging it all was precious, startlingly new and maybe even a little scary for me. But nothing ventured, nothing gained.
I've since relaxed and take things less seriously, but I do want to acknowledge my renters past and present in order of appearance:
Mike of Ramblings and Rhetoric started me off with a bang. He was followed two days later by Jeremy Shipp of Haunted House Dressing, then by sizlintune who in his own words is a husband - DJ - computer geek. A repeat rental by Jeremy Shipp's Haunted House Dressing and I was in the hizzouse!
So there you have renters of 2005. Please take a moment to visit them and don't forget to tell them that Dee sent you!